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Re flex motion morph crack: A review of the best software for moving morphs

Writer's picture: cropgastworviconsrcropgastworviconsr

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re flex motion morph crack

Q49: Timothy Ampi asks: Does cockroach have emotion (fear, anger, happy)?A: Timothy,Emotion is not usually associated with insect or cockroach behavior. The cold and unmoving surfaces of the insect exoskeleton do not allow for movement of surface muscles and skin that one can interpret as a smile or other facial emotion. Insects react to environmental cues with reflexes that we usually do not interpret as emotion. Have you ever seen the waggle communication of the worker honeybee? It is used to communicate the direction and richness of a nectar source. That is interpreted by insect behaviorists to be a reflex behavioral response released by finding the nectar source. The public might interpret it as an indication that the worker is happy at finding the sweet nectar. Go figure? Is there any evidence that the bee is happy? What would that evidence be? Is a bee worker angry when it stings an intruder to the hive? We subjectively use the terminology "angry worker bee". Now, is there any behavior that you might ascribe to something you see a cockroach do? Is their escape behavior based on fear? Or is it a 'simple' reflex? Science would suggest it is a simple reflex in all the above cases of insect behavior. Our emotions (e.g. happiness) are associated with the release of certain chemicals in the brain (endorphins) which also have been discovered in the insect brain. Does that mean that insects feel happiness? Does that mean that what we call happiness, endorphin release, in humans (or mice) is a reflex? These are difficult subjective questions that science rarely deals with but are fun for us to think about. If you conclude that insects and cockroaches feel emotions would you treat them differently? Read the poemSt. Roachby Muriel Rukeyser.

Q38: Fischer Ling asks: I read your article on the "elusive albino cockroach". Just hope that you canprovide me with more insight on the following (3) questions:Q38.1: Is it scientifically possible for a albino cockroach to mutate in the wild naturally? Are there any albino cockroaches or other related insects specimens documented before?A1: Such mutants are possible but the hardness of the cockroach cuticle depends upon the tanning process which cross-links its cuticle with a process that creates a mahogany-like color. Thus an albino cockroach (or other naked insect) would have weakened cuticle which would make it very vulnerable to attack.In insects clothed in colored hairs or scales the color of the scales can becomewhite due to the storage of white substance in the scales. In this sense the underwing moth, Catocal relicta, has an albino morph which is able to hide on birch bark trees based on its ability to hide on the cryptic bark surface, URL: Albino examples such as the one above are relatively common in insects. They were observed by midieval monks who manually transcribed the bibleand included the albino genetic "sports" as decorations in themargins of illuminated manuscripts.Q38.2: I have personally seen American cockroaches ... that are not entirely brown.I have seen one (full grown adult) with partially white wings and my friend claimed to have collected one with white eyes. Are these rare finds?A2: If injured while molting a cockroach may not fully tan its wings. White eyed Periplaneta cultures are available in some labs but I am not aware of how frequent the gene is in the wild and whether any of them are based on distinct genes. There are dozens of genes for abnormal colored eyes in Blattella germanica, not all are white. It would be interesting to cross the available white eye Periplaneta cultures to see if they complement each other (i.e. are from distinct mutant genes). These albino mutant eyes aremutations of the eye pigments which does not involve the cuticle and thus there are not the limitations to the structural properties of the cuticle as is with the surface integument.Q38.3: I saw a documentary ... reputable organization who claims that a cockroach has two "brains" one in front and one behind. That is why a cockroach ... continues to function as per normal (except feeding) when its head is cut off. Is this true?A3: That is true. The reproductive behavior is somewhat driven by its terminal abdominal ganglion, the VI abdominal ganglion, which is quite large. The preying mantid is in the same insect Order, Dictyoptera, and it is famous for the males prowess in completing sexual behavior after the female has bitten off the male's head. In this case the brain (in the head) is thought of inhibiting the reproductive behavior and when bitten off the reproductivebehavior, released from inhibition and programmed into the VI ganglion, takes over.The cockroach VI ganglion is responsible for coordinating the reknowned escape reflex of the cockroach. Delicate hairs on the cockroach hind end detectair rushing in front of a predator. The sensory hairs transmit their signals tothe VI ganglion, it interprets the signals as an attack (or not) and accordinglysends a rapid message to the thoracic legs to start running. This escape reflexdoes not require the coordination by the (anterior) brain in the cockroach head.

Several conditions and agents can cause mydriasis; these are injury to the eye and associated neural elements, anticholinergic medications and chemicals such as atropine and scopolamine, the elevated level of oxytocin hormone, and drug use and misuse [15, 29]. Drugs include cocaine (crack), MDMA (ecstasy), hallucinogens, methamphetamine (crystal meth), and Toradol (ketorolac). Hallucinogenic drugs and entheogen are not limited to LSD (acid), NBOMe (n-bomb), and dimethyltryptamine (DMT) [30]. Stimulants (as in cocaine) and hallucinogens act via increasing the levels of serotonin mainly by acting on SERT located centrally (CNS) [31]. In fact, these drugs that may lead to an overall increase in 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) or a subsequent effect on 5- receptor will exert a mydriatic effect, as in the case of psychedelics [11, 31]. Other conditions leading to abnormally dilated pupil include benign episodic unilateral mydriasis, cranial nerves neuropathy, traumatic brain injury, and mydriatic agents used for ophthalmologic examination such as tropicamide [32]. Oxytocin, the love hormone, can induce mild to moderate mydriatic effect; oxytocin is related to intimate emotional and social interactions. Hence, it increases in bursts during sexual intercourse; Pitocin (oxytocin) is also medicinally used to induce uterine contraction to either facilitate or induce a normal vaginal delivery [33, 34].

Wrist-Mounted Tools: The morph has a 6 centimeter-wide metal band containing nanobot generators implanted around each wrist. These nanobots link together to duplicate the function of a utilitool, creating narrow, highly flexible arms that each ends in a specialized tool. These nanobots can also produce tiny fiber optics to allow the character to see through small openings, as well as being able to create small weapons equal to bioware claws. The fact that these tool are mentally controlled gives the character a +20 modifier to skills involving repairing or modifying devices with mechanical parts, opening locks or disarming alarm systems, or performing first aid. [Moderate]

Snake: Commonly used by slitheroids, these shells use lateral undulation, flexing their body from left to right and waving their frame forward. Such shells may also use sidewinding or a concertina motion (straightening forward, then retracting the rear) to move. They also featured gyroscope stabilization so that they may circle into a hoop and roll like a wheel. [Moderate] 2ff7e9595c

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